Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Literature in Film Blog #2


Personally, I love drama movies because it allows me to feel what's going on in the movie. I was disappointed at the way the movie ended because I wanted to know how Precious would really be living her life without her mother in her life and 2 kids. I feel like the mother got what she deserved. You know the saying, "you never know what you have until it's gone". And basically what the mother did was took advantage of the fact that she had a daughter to take care of. When they were in that meeting at the end of the movie, I feel like if Precious went home with her mom, everything would have went back to the way it was. Precious did not do anything to deserve the abuse she received from her mother and I really felt sympathy for her all throughout the movie. Precious was a strong character because even though she struggled at home and school, she still managed to find a way to make herself happy and not let anything turn her down. This movie shows that even though someone struggles so much in their life and they don't have much they can still make it somewhere.

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