Sunday, March 29, 2015

Poem interpretation

- "Margaret are you grieving over Goldengrove unleaving?" 
-this line simply means that a young girl named Margaret is being questioned about whether or not she feel sad about the leaves falling off the trees in the forest supposedly called Goldengrove 

"Leaves like two things of man, you with your fresh thoughts care for, can you?"
-Margaret is really young and innocent therefore she is able to care for the leaves

"Ah! As the heat grows older. It will come to such sites colder. By and by, nor spare a sigh."
-Margaret won't show the same type of sympathy that she would if or will or when she was/is older

"The worlds of wanwood leaf meal lie; And yet you will weep and knows 
-Margaret won't cry over big pile of dead leaves when she grows older , She was still crying in the future but instead she'll know why

"Now no matter, child the name: sorrow springs are the same."
-The references of sadness are the same even if his younger old and it doesn't really matter what we call them

"normal head, no nor mind, expressed. What heart heard of , Ghost guessed."
- The references of sadness are hard to express even if it's for the young people or the old people

"it's the blight man was born for, it is Margaret you mourn for."
-The references of sadness happens to everyone

Thursday, March 26, 2015

What are 2 new skills you feel you still need to learn? What is 1 skill you can teach others?

1. Identifying the mood/tone in the beginning (ex. prompt header)

2. Structuring my sentences with surface phenomena & structure

1. Predicating subjects, words objects 

What are 3 important things that you learned?

"It's not what we say... it's how we say it."
Formalist Criticism Mantra

1. Words and phrases mean more then they first appear. This is extremely important because you may want to include words or phrases in a piece of writing but the writing is not complex because it is not elaborated it enough which is why it's the way you say it that is important. I found it helpful to discuss form in this way. This helped me to realize what kind of words I need to look for when I'm reading a piece of writing. This is enlightens my understanding of what I knew before and it allows me to apply so much more meaning. 

Tone vs Mood
2. Often times in the past I would always confuse the difference between the mood and tone. In the video, I learned that the tone is the author's attitude towards the subject they are writing about and the mood is how the reader feels about that subject. You will hardly see mood and tone in the same exact story at the same time. Before I thought that the tone of the story was how the story sounds like, for example the tone of a story can be sad. And I thought the mood of the story is how the story makes me feel, and I was right. But I could not tell the difference the two as much as I see it now.

The "Rules" of a structure 
3. Wholeness, transformation, self-regulation