Friday, May 29, 2015

Literature in Film Blog #3

In my entire High School career I feel that To Kill a Mocking Bird was one of the best books I ever read. The film itself captures the book similarly.
Enough good things can't be said about this movie. I don't think there is any other racial injustice movie or discriminatory based movie that you may be able to compare to "To Kill a Mockingbird". This movie puts you in a feeling where you are able to sympathize with people who are being discriminated against, and along with that people who fought for those people. One of the parts that actually gets to me is when Atticus is exiting the court room and Reverend says to Scout that he needs to "stand up your father is passing".
Gregory Peck is one of the best actors of all time. The role that he has played in this movie was one of the best roles he has ever done and he was does an amazing job at it in my opinion.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Literature in Film Blog #2


Personally, I love drama movies because it allows me to feel what's going on in the movie. I was disappointed at the way the movie ended because I wanted to know how Precious would really be living her life without her mother in her life and 2 kids. I feel like the mother got what she deserved. You know the saying, "you never know what you have until it's gone". And basically what the mother did was took advantage of the fact that she had a daughter to take care of. When they were in that meeting at the end of the movie, I feel like if Precious went home with her mom, everything would have went back to the way it was. Precious did not do anything to deserve the abuse she received from her mother and I really felt sympathy for her all throughout the movie. Precious was a strong character because even though she struggled at home and school, she still managed to find a way to make herself happy and not let anything turn her down. This movie shows that even though someone struggles so much in their life and they don't have much they can still make it somewhere.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Literature in Film Blog #1

Personally I did not like this movie at all, and I did not think it was funny. This is mostly because there was way too many action and I'm never into action movies like that.  

I feel like there was hardly even a plot itself. King Arthur of Camelot looks for the knight so that he can join him, and after so many accidents he and his knights (in which they barely provide context for) go on a mission to bring back the Holy Grail for God. If the Python God really does exist, why couldn't he bring the Holy Grail back by himself? It seems that the writers of this movie couldn't make the plot work and it isn't good enough in order to prove a change in a character. Also, the idea of trying to find Holy Grail is not completely followed throughout the movie which lead to a bunch of scenes that was irrelevant to the plot.