Monday, April 20, 2015

Blog Post #5

Robert Hayden, “Those Winter Sundays” 

Title: The first thing that came to my mind when reading this title is that this poem is about some sort of memory, the speaker is going to talk about something or someone who is very important to them. It indicates that there were so many Sundays like this one and that this memory is not just one thing that happened in a lifetime but its a typical Sunday through the speaker's childhood. 
Paraphrase: In the first stanza, the speaker is talking about how his father used to do sacrifices for his family and he regrets that no one ever thanked him but sometimes his father used to be angry and they would all be scared.
 The speaker remembers all the sacrifices his father made for him. The speaker remembers a moment of his childhood and gives its power, for the purpose of the poem's meaning is determined by the differences between what the boy knew back then and what the man who is the father know now.
The second word that is in the first line, "too", shows that actions have occurred in which the father on days such as Sundays to help his family out. In the first stanza I can see that the father gets up to heat up the house before the rest of the family gets up. The very last line in the first stanza is one of the first examples that displays the poem's theme which is "No one ever thanked him." This poem indicates the them that love does not always appear in a friendly and warm form.
I like this poem because it tells a story and I like poems that tell stories because it gives the poem a meaning to it. 

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